Faculty: Bambang Parmanto, Andi Saptono

The research began with the observation of the inadequacy of methodology and measurement (metric) used by existing research. The existing practice of evaluating web accessibility uses a dichotomous method based on the absolute compliance that lead to inaccuracies. The results of previous studies are often confusing and conflicting. We proposed a novel metric for quantitatively measuring the content accessibility of the Web for persons with disabilities (Parmanto & Zeng, 2005), and developed a software called Kelvin to implement the metric. The proposed metric is intended to overcome the deficiencies of the current measurements commonly used in Web accessibility studies. Armed with the new metric, we conducted large-scale studies on web accessibility comparing an aggregate of websites of different categories, and comparing accessibility of websites over time. Instead of using only the home page (which is the case for all previous studies), we evaluated the home page and all pages in the entire sites (which may include tens of thousands of pages). Using this metric, we conducted a cross-sectional study of the accessibility of consumer health websites (Zeng & Parmanto, 2004). We also conducted a longitudinal study of Web accessibility over time (Hackett & Parmanto, 2005; Hackett, Parmanto, & Zeng, 2005). Past Members: Xiaoming Zeng, Stephanie Hackett, Reza Ferridiansyah, Lijing Song



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